Face Lift Ritual Workshop with Olivia Szmidt

Face Lift Ritual Workshop with Olivia Szmidt

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Face Lift Ritual Workshop with Olivia Szmidt

Face Lift Ritual Workshop with Olivia Szmidt

Es Racó d'Artà. Camí des Racó. Ctra. de Cala Mitjana Km1.5. Mapa ikusi

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Embark on a transformative self-care journey guided by Olivia Szmidt, an experienced facial and myofascial therapist expert in massage and non-invasive lifting.

Experience the transformative power of facial and buccal intraoral self-massage, a meticulously designed protocol that helps firm, oxygenate, relax and illuminate your face and to release tension in the jaw and neck. Olivia will walk you through the importance of this daily ritual. The workshop will end with a Q&A where attendees can ask Olivia any questions.

A Darphin Paris goodie Bag will be provided for all attendees.

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Es Racó d'Artà

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